Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Parent Teacher Conferences

Last week was parent teacher conferences. I was probably too tired to go. I brought the stroller for two reasons. One was I knew I could not bring Baby in her car seat (too heavy) and the other was so that I would have something to lean on as I walked. Both L and C's teacher said I could do phone conferences or have no conference at all if I desired. I just wanted to show L and C that I still cared about what was going on in a big part of their lives. The teachers were very accommodating and responded positively to my email request that the conferences be back to back.

The day of their conferences C asked if I was going to bring Baby with us, because his teacher wanted to see her again. Since Baby was born I have only been in the school twice, once before school started to visit with his teacher from last year and the other time for Back to School night. Both teachers were happy to tell me L and C are doing well in school, and both wanted to hold Baby. L and C's teachers talked extensively about their writing. The school has school wide writing prompts and guidelines. In October they were supposed to write about a time they felt afraid. When I heard this at the first conference I was a little concerned. I was nervous because usually they talk about what they write about, but they had not mentioned this topic. Apparently L and C both have had other times when were scared, in addition to the current fear they feel. Both of their teachers praised their voices that showed in their writing. It was a good reminder that they have been afraid before and gotten through it.

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