Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Last time I had chemotherapy I had 6 infusions 21 days apart of taxotere, adriamycin, and cytoxan. Every drug has its own side effects. One that adriamycin has is heart damage. That damage is the reason there is a limit on how much you can have in your lifetime. The limit is based on your individual body surface area. I had the MUGA test to see how much damage adriamycin caused for me. I thought it probably caused very little, because I had exercised regularly in the years between the two cancer times. One type of exercise I did one year was jump rope for 20+ minutes 4 or 5 times a week. I thought if anything jump roping would show heart damage. Besides exercising I went to week long Girls' Camp in a higher elevation and hiked around for two years with no problems. When I saw the doctor on Monday he said that the normal heart range for the MUGA test is between 55 and 65 and I was at 56. I was already close to my lifetime limit of adriamycin based on the dosage from last time, but with the results of my MUGA I know that I will not be having adriamycin again. I need my heart for 50 more years. I am glad that I did not know where my heart function was before because I would have had different expectations for myself. Now I know that even though I have a 56, I can still do all those things.


  1. So possibly no hair loss this time?

  2. With adriamycin hair loss is a sure thing. The chemo regimen we are considering hair loss happens in 75% of the patients, so not quite a sure thing.

  3. But your scarves are so cute...won't you miss wearing them..? :) I love reading your blog Jeni. Thanks for keeping us all updated. Your courage and humor are inspiring. I even like the yucky paragraphs, and I am sure Aunt Brenda is loving the medical descriptions. I love you. Marilyn

  4. Gulp. Not such good news though you give it a positive spin. I appreciate how you are keeping us informed. I'm wondering about the pain levels and the wound healing. Sending good thoughts your way. Is it time to send stuff for the chemo boxes?
