Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday and Thursday

More painting and tying up loose ends. For me that partly meant turning over some family history stuff I was working on to my aunt, and having her help me with others. My old ward helped so much with painting this day as I rested. They moved so much furniture in and out of rooms and painted and painted. My relatives painted my room in one day. R was home on Thursday so we could meet with the hospice worker.My advice to as much as you can now(will and so on) so you don't have when you tired and just want to spend time with your family later. My parents came up and more relatives on both nights to visit.

 Also a friend let me know Baby was always welcome at her house, R would not have to worry about finding child care.

L's piano teacher is so sweet in so many ways and brings Baby new play dough every time she comes. Which if you are at our house any amount of time you will probably have to play with her.

Another friend helped Baby work off stress in her bonus room playing with a bunch of boys.

My visiting teacher brought the best ginger cookies I have ever eaten in my life, and they have a star pressed in the middle of them. I am generally not a cookie fan, but these are so good.

My R.S president is letting my mom stay at her house for awhile.

My cousin is dealing with the schools for me and brought her wonderful friend to cut my hair at my house.

My other cousin took C to early morning orchestra so R and I could sleep in on his day off because R is sick.

My aunt knew I was afraid of being alone without me mentioning it.

My brother and sister in law brought C the perfect Buster Posey jersey, and some thoughtful things for our family.

My uncle(who Baby calls Santa Claus) and petite aunt work all day long to finish painting our house and help the household running smoothly. Plus they are good at winking at me or making me laugh at the right time.

We fight over the fox blanket my friend sent,and enjoy the flowers, and the food brought over, and too many to list and that really do help us to feel love in every moment of the day.

R and I went downstairs with C to look at how they arranged and improved his room. As we walked through the basement there were people quietly working hard to make our burden a little lighter at this time. It made me think of how often it happens, not just on this side of the veil, but probably even more on the other side too. Those spirits assisting us in ways we can't fathom. I am grateful for the opportunity recognize and appreciate a small part of the love and support and acceptance we are receiving in our life.


  1. I love that you are seeing all the blessings in this trial. If you have any painting left to be done on Saturday, I'm your gal!

  2. I awoke yesterday to a dark and dreary day in Dayton. It was drizzly and then it began to snow. It was a horrible day. And then I learned about the decision you and Rex had to make and the day grew worse.

    With the weather I realized how months down the road when it is summer and growing warm we will have snow melting from the mountains and our lakes and rivers will be replenished. I know that when we get down the road a ways (possibly even a long ways down the road) we will realize that this dark and dreary event was for our good (for everyone in your life - including yourself) and that in some way it replenished us all and made our existence better.

    I have always looked to you as a pillar - of wisdom, of goodness, of sacrifice and consecration, as a teacher, as an optimist, and as a witness of God. You will never fail me in that example and I will forever continue to learn from you. Thank you for the magnificent impact you have had on my life!
