Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family Home Evening

Last night we tried to have Family Home Evening between the supportive calls and cookie drop offs. Our kids were acting sort of anxious so we had a question and answer period. Most of their questions we about chemotherapy. Since that treatment has not been finalized we did not have many of the answers that they wanted.

We also talked about the surgery in more detail. It was much more detail than L wanted, and she hid her face behind the blanket for part of the time. She also tells R how embarrassed she gets when I talk about reconstruction or protheses to people. It is good to know she is a normal 10 year old girl.

C was having a particularly hard time, because he was confused. He thought I would lose all my hair during the surgery and other little mix ups. C seemed to feel better after our discussion. At the end he declared, "I guess it is easier to replace body parts than to replace my mommy."

Of course I do not know how much Baby is taking in. This morning (the last time before surgery) when I fed her the bottle she looked at me and smiled the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and fasting coming from this family to yours. There should be some snail mail on the way for the box, too.
