Friday, November 19, 2010

Flu Shots and the Police

Yesterday L,C, and I finished up getting flu shots, now that we will be entering the high risk group. My husband got his about a month ago. L and C had late start at school and we had an early morning shot appointment, so they did not even miss any school. They were so thrilled about that. To make it more palatable for them we stopped at the doughnut shop on the way there. We need to remember next time we stop at the doughnut shop on the way to town that we need more than L's half empty water bottle to drink. While waiting at the doctor we saw a family from our ward. There are not that many pediatricians in town, we actually see someone we know almost every time we go.

Later that day a policeman knocked on our door. He said there was a 911 call from our residence. We all looked at C who denied doing it. I asked the deputy if he was sure he had the right house because my kids were just doing homework and nobody was using the phone. He called the police station to double check and then they rang back our phone. It seems that when I laid the phone face down on the table it dialed 911 and then went on hold. The police got a 911 hang up, tried calling back and no one answered, so they sent a deputy to investigate. I apologized and he said he was sorry too, but he was just doing his job and left. My niece who is named after me, also dialed 911 accidentally recently. I heard the police were not as understanding though.

When you have cancer it is scary, because it is commonly understood that cancer can cause death. Unfortunately almost anything at anytime can cause death. President Monson touched on that when he talked about showing gratitude to those we love before we have regrets. I was reminded of this yesterday, when I found out my dad's cousin(?) died in a plane crash leaving behind his young family. Our prayers are with them.


  1. Any side effects from the shots last Friday. I guess I will be getting mine tomorrow. I usually only get sick twice a year but maybe I won't get sick at all this year. That would be lovely:-)

  2. You beat me to the punch about your little namesake who dialed 911 at grandma's, we all are on alert when she gets near any phone now because of it.

  3. Did you ever hear the story about our little neighbor boy that called 911 on one of our old cell phones 29 times in a row? 4 police cars showed up! Good Times :)
