Sunday, March 6, 2011

Of scarves and struggles

Last weekend, like all of Nevada, we had stake conference. On Saturday night I met my husband at work with Baby and we went to the adult session. Just as we were sitting down a couple came up to us and started talking about chemotherapy treatments. This conversation is not that unusual except that we had never met them before. The wife said she knew we would understand because she saw the scarf on my head.

I think how anyone deals with the loss of hair is a personal decision and is based on many distinct and specific factors.

This week in particular several kind strangers have come up to me and talked about their or their loved one's chemotherapy treatment. I like to pretend that I just wear a scarf on my head for fun, but somehow all these people found me out.

I remember when I was first diagnosed the second time with cancer. I had gone to Costco to stock up, and I saw a lady also there with a scarf on. It reminded me that even cancer patients have to go to Costco sometimes. Their whole life is not doctor appointments and feeling sick and tired even if sometimes it seems that way. I felt not so alone in what I was going through.

The scarf on my head lets others know I am having a specific kind of struggle in my life. There many other people who also share that struggle, and want to talk.

I know that I would not be willing to wear an identifier of my other struggles in life. It is hard to even imagine talking with a stranger, even a kind fairly anonymous one who is going through a similar situation, about those struggles.

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